Japanese Soldier


Date confirmation.

Just to confirm the date of TARGE for 2023 is Saturday the 4th of November. The TARGE page had the incorrect date initally.

TARGE 2023

TARGE 2023 will be held in the Guide Halls, Roods, Kirriemuir from 10.00am until 4.00pm on Saturday 4th November.

TARGE features twelve different tabletop figure games for you to try. They include fantasy, sci-fi and historical with everything supplied for enjoyable games. Just come along and have a go. £1.00 entry for the whole day.

Light refreshments, a large manned Bring and Buy, raffle, free town centre parking. Telephone 01575-574128 for more details.

One of the games will feature Kirriemuir’s own Peter Pan, Captain Hook and the rest of the cast.

New Website

New Website

We've been down a while and it won't look like much has changed but there is lots of new stuff in the background of our website which means we should have much more news and posts here going forward!


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